Thursday, 13 October 2011

Graphs from questionnaire results.

From analysing my questionnaires I found that the majority of people that answered the questionnaire were in the age group of 15- 20 years of age.

The majority of people that answered the questionnaire were female, with 28 being female and 22 being male. It is roughly equal between both genders that answered.

The results here clearly show that horror was the most popular genre that people prefer. If I decide to make a horror film trailer I would have a wider audience as 32 out of 50 people said that this was the genre the preferred out of the rest. This is over half the people that answered my questionnaire.


from these results it clearly shows that the genre is what attracted people most to a film trailer, this is shown by 22 out of 50, choosing the genre to what attracts them to a film trailer. This is all most half the people that answered my questionnaire.

This graph shows that colours were the most popular answer in to what attracts people to a film poster. However all the answers where very close so it is still important to take this into account, and still using the rest of the answers as an important element when creating and producing my film poster.

Once again there are similar results in this graph. Even though dark colours was the most popular in what people expect to see in a horror film trailer, the killer/ ghost was only behind with having only a few less people that choose that one. Dark colours had 17 out of 50, and the killer/ ghost had 16 out of 50.

 I asked ‘when going to watch a film, what do you base your choice on?’ this was so that I have a clearer idea how to target my audience and get them to watch my film. 31 out of 50 people said that they base their choice o the genre of the film, so when making my film trailer I need to make sure that the genre is successfully shown.

 By following the narrative on horror, I asked, ‘what scares you the most in horror film trailers?’  32 out of 50 people said that when things suddenly jump out’ scares them the most. So when making my film trailer I need to make sure I have this element so that it appeals to the target audience. However, it is still important to take into consideration fast tense music and dark lighting as these are also seen in horror film trailers. 

I asked people what they prefer out of the following, unexpected twists or cliff hangers to find out which one would be more appealing to the audience. This is so that I can end my film trailer that will make people want to go to watch it more. The majority of people, 41 out of 50 people said that they prefer unexpected twists.          

Who do you mainly watch movies with?’  The main purpose of this question was to find out who people tend to watch movies with, so that I have a clearer idea on who to target my audience at. 31 out of 50 people said that they mainly watch movies with their friends so I will take that into consideration to make sure my film trailer has the feeling to it that will appeal to a group of friends.

I asked people ‘if you had the chance to make a film trailer, what genre would you do it?  I asked this question to find out which is the most popular genre that people would pick. The results tell me that over half the people I asked said that they would pick horror. This is shown by 31 out of 50 people picking horror. The rest of the choices where very low with around 6 people or less choosing the other genres.

From analysing all the questions it has given me a clearer idea on who to target my audience at and what genre to make my film poster. These results have also shown me what codes and conventions to use if I was to make a horror film trailer. This is shown when I asked the question. 'what scares you most in a horror film trailer?' by asking this question it has enabled me to now make the correct choice on to what elements are needed to successfully let the audience know what the genre of the film is.

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